Successful motor claim recovery from third party insurer

Claims recovery success:
TMD will always go the full mile to secure a successful outcome for clients, whatever the circumstances or however long the timespan involved. In June 2019, Motor Trade Account Handler, Joanne Foster, going back through the records, discovered that an outstanding amount, due to a client from a third party insurer some years previously, had never been received, and was determined to resolve the situation.
Joanne explains: “The case dated back to 2013. I noticed, at the time, that TMD had successfully filed a claim on behalf of a client against a third party insurer covering repairs to one of his vehicles. Although being awarded an amount of money, it appeared our client never received payment.”
The incident actually took place in October 2013, when the client’s recovery truck, driven by one of his drivers, was parked and subjected to collision damage by another reversing truck. The driver of the reversing vehicle admitted responsibility, and although later disputing this, was found to be at fault and the claim upheld. An estimate for damage was sent to the third party insurers, who agreed to pay, and it seemed a fairly straightforward case.
Fast forward to June 2019, however, and Joanne found the claim had never been paid, despite being chased many times by one of TMD’s previous account handlers. “Our account handler chased settlement in December 2013 and continued to do so thereafter, all to no avail and, eventually, the case was left on the file unresolved.”
In early June 2019, Joanne called the third party insurer and queried why payment had not been issued. She discovered that although the estimate for damage had been received by the third party insurer, the actual invoice had not, and, as a result, the claim was never paid.
Fortunately, the client still had a copy of the original invoice, raised in November 2013, and she was able to forward it to the third party insurer.
As a result, on 18th June 2019, the client eventually received payment, in the form of a cheque for £1,156. “As you can imagine, he was both surprised and happy to receive the money,” says Joanne. “Fortunately, the documentation had been meticulously filed by the previous account handler and the situation was easily resolved, within just a couple of weeks!”
The case aptly demonstrates not only TMD’s resolve and commitment to following up cases, even those of some years’ duration, but also attention to detail, in the form of original documentation, without which Joanne would not have been able to proceed.