Christmas Jumpers 2022 in aid of Team Paw Animal Rescue

TMD is once again planning to hold a Christmas Jumper Day. With so many staff working from home during the pandemic, it’s been quite a while since we’ve been able to give our Christmas jumpers an airing in the office, so this year we’re looking to celebrate in style!
The event is being organised by Account Handler, Joanne Foster, who is looking to see a record turnout of festive wear amongst employees. In keeping with TMD being an independent, local broker, the event will support a small, local charity that is very close to Joanne’s heart.
Team Paw Animal Rescue is a small, not-for-profit animal rescue that rehomes dogs, and it was here that Joanne found her rescue dog, Lucky. As you can see from the pictures, Lucky is adorable and, like her name, is one of the lucky dogs to have found her forever home with a loving owner.
The charity is based in Essex and run by a small team of volunteers, with all donations going towards rescue to ensure any animal in need receives assistance. All dogs are vaccinated and microchipped before being rehomed, and a non-destruct policy ensures no animal is put down, unless advised by a vet.
Many animals come to Team Paw Animal Rescue after being abused or mistreated, or having had no training, and the volunteers do their utmost to get to know the dogs and rehabilitate them. Some have come from council pounds and have no history, but the volunteers will always find out as much as they can via handling and assessment.
It’s important that dogs are matched with the right homes, ensuring they live long and happy lives, so all potential homes are fully vetted and follow-up checks carried out, with lifetime back-up provided, if required.
TMD is very happy to support Team Paw Animal Rescue and the worthwhile work they do, and fully supports their belief that all animals are worth saving and deserve a second chance, along with their mission statement: ‘to save as many animals as possible, rehabilitate them and place in their correctly matched forever home’.
We’re looking for a record turnout of Christmas jumpers this year, especially as it’s the first such event we’ve held for some time, and are asking supporters to dig deep and support this very worthwhile cause. If you’d like to know more, please see Team Paw Rescue’s Facebook page at and if you’d like to donate, please do so via Paypal using the charity’s email address:
We hope to raise as much as we can, supporting not only Team Paw Rescue’s current work but also their aim to eventually own a rescue centre, so they can continue their work on a wider scale and help even more animals. We’ll report back after the event with some festive pictures and details of how much we’ve raised.