Introducing Operations and HR Assistant Caroline Mooney…

Happy, fulfilled people will always be more productive and give more back, and so the role of the HR department is key to TMD’s development as a company. In fact, TMD prides itself on looking after its staff and ensuring the well-being of all employees.
According to Operations and HR Assistant, Caroline Mooney, human resources is a field that is constantly growing and changing, from compliance with new laws and legislation to technology and employee expectations. “No two days are ever the same,” she says. “ It’s never boring and there’s always something new to learn.”
Caroline’s primary duties include assisting with the office's day-to-day operation, maintaining employee records and keeping the HR files updated with annual leave, sickness, absences and other actions. She also provides operational support to the Directors and Group Operations Officer, as well as maintaining office supplies and facilities, and co-ordinating meetings and training seminars.
Thriving on the constant challenge of the role, Caroline believes she brings energy and motivation to the HR department. “I like challenging myself and advancing on a personal level,” she explains. “My role forces me to develop new skills, and this has changed my confidence level, giving me the skillset to manage the days when things are not straightforward.”
Always happy to learn, Caroline is keen to grow and develop within the role, whether learning new skills or taking on a new project. “I’m a positive person who likes to excel at what I do,” she says. “I like to stretch myself so that I can perform to the best of my abilities every day and ensure the smooth running of the company.”
TMD has always encouraged employees to make the most of themselves and commit to a programme of continual development. It’s an approach that Caroline totally embraces. “ I believe our company values of being self-driven adhere very well with my own values as an individual. This really motivates me and encourages me to continually do better, push myself and achieve more.”
Caroline prides herself on her approachability, friendliness and ability to lend a helping hand whenever it's needed. She also makes a much-needed ‘good cup of tea’ - always an asset in a hardworking team!
When asked to describe her job in three words, Caroline says, “learning, communication and rewarding” and admits that the person who has most inspired her in life is her mother. “She always has a smile on her face and a positive outlook on life!” It’s a role model that ensures Caroline brings a natural warmth and enthusiasm to the job.
Away from work, Caroline enjoys reading and walking her two dogs, Toby and Murphy, ensuring a healthy work/life balance. In this role, it’s essential to practise what you preach and Caroline exemplifies the idea that self-improvement, teamwork and enthusiasm bring about personal wellbeing and fulfilment. It’s an approach that embodies our company philosophy and one we wholeheartedly applaud.