Keep your property safe over Halloween and Bonfire Night

Halloween and Bonfire Night are approaching - exciting family occasions with pumpkins, costumes, bobbing apples, firework and bonfire events. But the innocent phrase ‘trick or treat’ can entail something more threatening than an innocent children’s catchphrase, as insurance figures reveal.
Insurance claims for malicious damage and theft increase each year over the week of Halloween and Bonfire Night, with home insurance claims for theft skyrocketing up by 115% on Bonfire Night (5th November) and by 45% on Halloween (31st October) last year.
It’s a trend that falls in line with previous years and occurs as a result of people leaving their properties unattended while they visit Halloween parties or Bonfire events.
Sales of eggs and flour increase around Halloween and, while the old pranks of egging homes and cars or covering property in flour are frustrating, they are more easily fixed than broken windows, theft and fires, which aren’t so simple to resolve.
Here, we look at a few ways to help protect your home this Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Simple and effective - leave your lights on if you’re leaving your property unattended. It looks as though someone is in and will deter would-be thieves. If you’re not comfortable opening your front door to trick or treaters, don’t feel compelled to. But don’t turn off your lights and pretend you’re not in. Vandals will be less likely to strike if they think someone is home.
Fire risk
Pumpkin lanterns are always popular, but it’s worth using LED tea lights instead of actual candles, which can lead to fire - and some Halloween costumes can be flammable. It pays to be careful.
Whether you’re in or out, your property needs to be secure. Simple tips include putting your car in the garage, tidying away anything in the driveway or front garden that could be used to cause damage, securing outdoor property such as sheds and summerhouses, and hiding away any valuables. There are lots of people roaming the streets on Halloween, so don’t put temptation in their pathway. If you’re going out, remember to close and lock windows (research shows 42% of homeowners fail to take this step) and make sure you set your alarm system or security camera if you have one - and that they are in good working order.
A quick word about pets - don’t leave them outside, as well as being easy targets for pet thieves, they will be frightened by the loud noises and excited children. Keep your curtains closed and make sure pets are settled in a comfortable, safe environment, perhaps in a quiet, separate room.
Insurance cover
Finally, review your home insurance cover and make sure your property is covered against theft and malicious damage, and those high-value items such as smartphones, laptops and jewellery are covered. If you are underinsured, your insurer may well pay out less than the value of the item that’s damaged or stolen.
Also, double-check the terms and conditions of your policy. Most policies require your home to be protected by a minimum level of security, such as deadlocks on external doors and locks on accessible windows, so make sure you comply with your policy’s requirements. If you forget to lock your doors or set your security alarm while you are out, your insurer may reject your claim.
If you have any queries about your home insurance cover, including building and contents, or would like to arrange suitable cover, please get in touch with TMD. Either call us on 01992 703 000 or email:
Which? Burglary claims rise 115% on Bonfire Night: is your home safe?