Meeting new starter, Helen Parry

TMD extends a warm welcome to new starter, Helen Parry, who joins the firm as a Private Clients Account Handler.
At the moment, Helen is spending her time learning all the different aspects of the job, which encompass a wide range of responsibilities that includes processing and issuing renewals, new business quotations and dealing with telephone queries.
Private Clients Accounts represent a key and growing area of our business, and it’s essential we offer an exceptional level of service, prompt response and good understanding of clients’ needs. As such, it’s vital our account handlers operate to the highest professional standards and that Helen receives the best training possible.
So far, Helen says that she is hugely enjoying the work and is particularly motivated by ‘the feeling of knowing that you have done a good job at the end of the day and not let anyone down’. She says her personal objectives are ‘to give great service to clients and obtain the best outcome for the client and the company’. She describes herself as being approachable, empathetic, adaptive and resilient, which are exactly the qualities required for this role, and describes her job as being ‘diverse, interesting and challenging’, which is what we believe makes the position so interesting and rewarding.
On a personal note, Helen says her children inspire her, as with so many things to be aware of these days, they take it all in their stride. Her hobbies include watching and going to see musicals and musical theatre and also reading or watching a good detective mystery. She admits she is not very good at taking her own advice and describes herself as a jack of all trades, but master of none. Jack of all trades sounds good to us, as you need to have a wide breadth of knowledge of the market to do this particular role, with mastery following on as experience is gained.
The future looks promising for Helen and she is proving to be an exemplary member of the team. Clients will find her friendly, professional and knowledgeable, and we expect her to become a fully-fledged Accounts Handler in the not too distant future. Good luck, Helen, and keep up the good work!