Protect your cash flow with Deductible Infill Insurance policy

With many companies experiencing significant increases in their primary policy deductible levels, we are pleased to be able to add Deductible Infill insurance to our product portfolio, providing balance sheet protection by reducing deductibles back to a level with which you are comfortable.
Deductible Infill Insurance is a policy that can be arranged through separate insurers providing total or partial cover for any self-insured amount contributions intimated during the period that cover is in force. TMD is now delighted to offer this product as an addition to our portfolio.
Deductible Infill Insurance
This Deductible Infill insurance indemnifies the Policyholder for any eligible
deductible when a claim is settled by the primary insurer or when the Policyholder is
instructed by the primary insurer to settle an amount which is within the deductible.
As an example, it will not provide cover for claims refused by the Primary Insurer. Other exclusions do apply and we can discuss these with you in more detail.
This new Deductible Infill policy is aimed at a number of core professions, including accountants, architects, design & construction, engineers, and MGAs, IT, Solicitors, Surveyors and Estate Agents
Under the terms of our new Deductible Infill policy, TMD is able to quote on the following:
- Deductible buy-down minimum retention of 20% of the current deductible
- Single and multiple deductible options
- Costs Inclusive or Costs in Addition
- Policy period up to 18 months, including short-period policies
- Policy limits up to £100,000per deductible and £300,000 in the aggregate.
Key benefits
Given the current volatility of the market, with many professional services firms experiencing significant increases in their deductible levels, this new product provides a number of important benefits:
- Lower impact on cash flow, particularly if unexpected loss events occur
- Greater predictability in budgeting and forecasting, with reduced volatility
- May reduce regulatory capital requirements for certain businesses
- Reduced need to set aside contingency funds – cash becomes available for alternative purposes, such as operating expenses, investments or shareholder distributions.
To find out more about this new Deductible Infill Insurance policy, which represents an important addition to our Commercial portfolio, please contact TMD and we will be pleased to provide further details. Call us on 01992 703 000 or email us at