Rachel Karn founds a Women’s Network for the CII for Luton and Hertfordshire

As a team, we encourage our colleagues to actively engage with the insurance industry to ensure that we are able to cascade best practice internally.
We are delighted to share that Rachel Karn, our Group Operations Officer, has partnered with two Council members of the Chartered Insurance Institute for Luton and Hertfordshire to create a Women’s Network.
Within her role as this local CII’s Diversity Officer, Rachel is highly knowledgeable regarding the barriers that can stop people from entering or progressing within the insurance industry, and we are proud of Rachel for playing her part in creating a more inclusive environment.
This newly founded Women’s Network will be holding its inaugural event on 26th September. During this CII accredited event, the focus will be on courage, confidence and imposter syndrome and the revered Kate Atkins will be in attendance as a keynote speaker.
During her award-winning career, Kate continues to shine a light on how internalised fears can manifest in the professional environment, and she will be equipping the audience with practical tools to increase their self-confidence and combat fears of inadequacy.
If you are interested in attending the Women’s Network’s event or if you would like to find out more, please click here.