TMD Insurance – over 45 years’ construction industry experience

Lockdown and disruption in the construction industry calls for insurance proficiency.
With legal disputes in UK construction at an all-time high, disruption from the coronavirus lockdown and Brexit set to continue, and a scenario of recession, debt and materials shortages about to hit hard, it’s never been more important to have adequate insurance in place if you’re a building company, contractor or tradesman.
Acknowledged as one of the leading independent insurer brokers for the construction industry, and drawing on a legacy that spans over 45 years, TMD has a wealth of experience in the building and allied trades, with the proficiency to guide you through the increasingly complex, uncertain and fast-changing circumstances that now threaten us.
Established in 1971, we have built up an inside knowledge of the building sector and allied trades and understand that ‘off the shelf’ products do not provide the cover you require, especially given the unique financial risks we currently face. Whatever your insurance requirement, whether for annual cover, a one-off project or a high-risk venture, now more than ever, it’s essential you are fully protected against all risks.
So how can we help? It goes without saying, we provide all the traditional covers: public and product liability, employees’ liability, business interruption, material damage, goods in transit, goods in the open, personal accident, legal expenses and so on. We can also advise on specific risks, such as delay in start-up, delay in completion, inherent defects, plant & equipment, legal liability, pollution and terrorism.
If you employ contractors or sub-contractors such as welders, scaffolders, engineers, demolition staff and ground workers, we can arrange third party liability, and whether you own or hire plant machinery and tools, we can provide full cover against damage and theft, on-site and on the road.
For high risk projects, we can carry out a full risk assessment, advising on such matters as indemnity, force majeure, time extensions, liquidated damages, apportionment of risk, temporary repair and redrafting contract clauses to achieve risk transfer. And working with specialist consultants, such as JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal), ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers), CPA (Contract Plant-Hire Association) and HAE (Hire Association Europe), we can advise on bespoke contract wording.
Whatever the nature of the job, new build or existing; residential, retail, office or industrial; mixed use development or high rise building, we can advise on any type of construction project, providing a tailored insurance solution to meet your specific requirements and helping to protect you against the uncertainty of a coronavirus world.
For help and advice on any aspect of construction industry insurance, contact TMD Insurance Group on 01992 703 000 or email: