What to do if you have a flat tyre

Hot weather can impact tyres more severely than cold weather, as pressure builds more quickly, potentially causing a flat tyre or blowout. So, given the hot weather we’ve been experiencing, here’s what to do if you have a flat tyre…
The general advice is not to continue driving the vehicle, as this could damage your wheels, resulting in a more expensive repair. Instead, stop as soon as possible in a safe location. The same advice applies if you have a slow puncture, as you could risk having a blowout if you continue driving.
If you have a puncture, you can use tyre foam to temporarily fix the problem, but this is only a short-term repair, as the tyre hasn’t been removed from its wheel and checked for internal damage. Tyre foam or sealant will typically last from 50 – 100 miles before it becomes ineffective, so it’s essential to have your tyre fixed or replaced as soon as possible, preferably on the same day.
Once you’ve stopped in a safe location, remember to keep your indicators on, alerting other road users, and if possible, use a high vis triangle. If you need to leave the vehicle, ensure your possessions are safely out of sight and take your phone and a bottle of water with you. As a rule of thumb, having a blanket, food, water, and phone is a good idea whenever you set out in your vehicle on a long journey.
It’s crucial for the safety of you, your passengers and other road users to have tyres
in good working condition, which means having them regularly checked and replaced if necessary. If you’re setting off on a long journey, checking your tyre pressures is always a good idea (refer to your vehicle manual for details). If you’re carrying lots of heavy equipment, such as camping gear, you may need to increase the pressure slightly. If you’re in any doubt, pop into a local tyre repair outlet or garage for a check-up.
It's also essential to ensure you have adequate vehicle insurance in place, offering protection in case of an accident or should items be stolen from your vehicle. So, check that your insurance is correctly insured and that your possessions are insured out of the home.
As motor insurance professionals, we can advise on vehicle insurance and ensure you are adequately covered, and also advise on insuring possessions away from the home. For details, please call us on 01992 703 000 or email insurance@mcdonaghs.co.uk